본문 바로가기


by 나른한 사람 2021. 7. 28.


Unsupervised Learning중 하나로 주로 데이터의 특징을 발견하는 것이 목표인 학습 방법.

오토인코더는 Input Layer와 Output Layer의 노드 수가 동일한 구조.

인풋 값을 특정 N Factor로 압축 후 이를 다시 잘 복원하도록 학습시킴.
압축 된 부분을 차원축소된 feature로 활용할 수 있음.
-> 이를 Classifier의 인풋으로 사용해 더 나은 성능을 기대할 수 있음.


데이터 로드 및 train/test split

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

mnist = fetch_openml('mnist_784')
mnist.data.shape, mnist.target.shape

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(mnist.data, mnist.target, random_state=613)

X_train = X_train.to_numpy('float32')/255.
y_train = y_train.to_numpy('float32')
X_test = X_test.to_numpy('float32')/255.
y_test = y_test.to_numpy('float32')

# denoise autoencoder 구현을 위해 noise 데이터 생성
X_train_noise = X_train+.3*np.random.normal(loc=.0, scale=1., size=X_train.shape)
X_test_noise = X_test+.3*np.random.normal(loc=.0, scale=1., size=X_test.shape)

X_train_noise = np.clip(X_train_noise, 0., 1.)
X_test_noise = np.clip(X_test_noise, 0., 1.)

데이터 확인

# 이미지 표시해줄 함수 선언
def show_imgs(up,down):
    for i in range(n_img):
        plt.imshow(np.reshape(up[i], (28,28)))

        plt.subplot(2,n_img, n_img+i+1)
        plt.imshow(np.reshape(down[i], (28,28)))

show_img(X_train, X_train_noise)

(위) Normal Data (아래) Noised Data

이와 같은 데이터를 0~9까지 올바르게 분류하는 것이 본 데이터의 목적

NN model

epochs = 100
batch_size = 64
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=10)

class Neural(Model):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Neural, self).__init__()
        self.layer1 = Dense(512, activation='relu')
        self.layer2 = Dense(256, activation='relu')
        self.layer3 = Dense(128, activation='relu')
        self.layer4 = Dense(64, activation='relu')
        self.layer5 = Dense(10, activation='softmax')

        self.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['acc'])

    def call(self, inputs):
        x = self.layer1(inputs)
        x = self.layer2(x)
        x = self.layer3(x)
        x = self.layer4(x)
        return self.layer5(x)
with tf.device('GPU:0'):
    model = Neural()
             epochs=epohcs, batch_size=batch_size,


# Normal Test Data에 대한 결과
print(classification_report(model.predict(X_test).argmax(axis=1),y_test, digits=4))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0     0.9937    0.9846    0.9891      1758
           1     0.9935    0.9890    0.9912      1999
           2     0.9786    0.9809    0.9797      1677
           3     0.9682    0.9882    0.9781      1697
           4     0.9831    0.9797    0.9814      1724
           5     0.9816    0.9576    0.9695      1674
           6     0.9822    0.9857    0.9840      1684
           7     0.9873    0.9755    0.9814      1916
           8     0.9650    0.9792    0.9721      1634
           9     0.9654    0.9799    0.9726      1737

    accuracy                         0.9802     17500
   macro avg     0.9799    0.9800    0.9799     17500
weighted avg     0.9803    0.9802    0.9802     17500


# Noised Test Data에 대한 결과
print(classification_report(model.predict(X_test_noise).argmax(axis=1),y_test, digits=4))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0     0.9713    0.9641    0.9677      1755
           1     0.2553    0.9883    0.4058       514
           2     0.9774    0.5697    0.7198      2884
           3     0.8493    0.8287    0.8389      1775
           4     0.6385    0.9691    0.7698      1132
           5     0.9326    0.8322    0.8796      1830
           6     0.7698    0.9760    0.8607      1333
           7     0.8732    0.8793    0.8762      1880
           8     0.8938    0.5012    0.6423      2957
           9     0.6982    0.8549    0.7687      1440

    accuracy                         0.7772     17500
   macro avg     0.7860    0.8363    0.7729     17500
weighted avg     0.8519    0.7772    0.7859     17500



class Autoencoder(Model):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Autoencoder, self).__init__()
        self.encoder = Sequential([
            Dense(256, activation='relu'),
            Dense(128, activation='relu'),
            Dense(64, activation='relu')
        self.decoder = Sequential([
            Dense(128, activation='relu'),
            Dense(256, activation='relu'),
            Dense(784, activation='sigmoid')

        self.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy')
    def call(self, inputs):
        encoded = self.encoder(inputs)
        decoded = self.decoder(encoded)
        return decoded

with tf.device('GPU:0'):
    autoencoder = Autoencoder()
    autoencoder.fit(X_train_noise, X_train,
                  epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size,
                  validation_data=(X_test_noise, X_test),

Autoencoding 된 데이터 확인

show_imgs(X_train_noise, autoencoder.predict(X_train_noise))

(위) Noised Data (아래) Encoded Data

NN model with Autoencoder

denoised = autoencoder.predict(X_test_noise)
print(classification_report(model.predict(denoised).argmax(axis=1),y_test, digits=4))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0     0.9902    0.9852    0.9877      1751
           1     0.9930    0.9777    0.9853      2021
           2     0.9691    0.9778    0.9734      1666
           3     0.9567    0.9736    0.9651      1702
           4     0.9692    0.9720    0.9706      1713
           5     0.9749    0.9420    0.9582      1690
           6     0.9751    0.9862    0.9807      1671
           7     0.9815    0.9582    0.9697      1939
           8     0.9415    0.9696    0.9553      1610
           9     0.9416    0.9557    0.9486      1737

    accuracy                         0.9698     17500
   macro avg     0.9693    0.9698    0.9694     17500
weighted avg     0.9700    0.9698    0.9698     17500


일반 데이터로 train 시킨 NN 모델에 적용시에도 잘 동작함.

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